1-N Chaos Deconstruction: Whisper / Renban / Between

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Place some numbers from 1 to 9 in the grid such that no number repeats in a row or column. All numbers belong to orthogonally connected regions which must be located by the solver. Regions cannot touch each other orthogonally, but they may diagonally. A region of size N contains the numbers 1 through N exactly once.

A grey circle contains an odd digit and a grey square contains an even digit.

Every cell on a line must contain a number, and each line must obey at least one of the three following properties:


Adjacent numbers on the line differ by at least 5.


The numbers on the line form a consecutive sequence and do not repeat. The sequence does not necessarily have to be in order on the line.

Between Line:

The values along the line lie strictly between the numbers on the ends of the line. A two-long line cannot obey this property.