Japanese Nurikabe (1)

Solve #right #link=https://tinyurl.com/263c89b3


Fill some cells with numbers from 1 to 8 such that no number repeats in any row and column. All empty cells must be orthogonally connected, and no 2x2 area may be entirely empty. We call an orthogonally connected group of numbers an island. Numbers cannot repeat on an island, and every island must contain the number that is its size.

Clues outside the grid indicate the sums of connected groups of numbers in the respective row or column, in order, where empty cells serve as delimiters between groups. A question mark can be any number from 0 to 9, but no clue may have a leading zero. An asterisk indicates obscured information; in place of an asterisk may be zero, one, or multiple groups of numbers.

Clues inside the grid are empty, and the number of values inside a clue cell indicates the total number islands that appear in the 3x3 area centered at the clue cell. Furthermore, each value corresponds to a unique island and indicates the sum of all numbers on that island.