Hungarian Tapa / Roller Coaster (2)
Hungarian Tapa:
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in every row exactly once. Numbers must not repeat in columns. All numbers must be orthogonally connected, and no 2x2 area may be entirely numbers.
Cells inside the grid with clues cannot contain numbers, and they indicate the sums of all contiguous groups of numbers in the (up to 8) number cells that directly surround the clue cell. Empty cells serve as the delimiter between groups.
Roller Coaster:
A loop that travels orthogonally from cell center to cell center must be drawn such that it visits every empty cell. On a single round trip of the loop, no cell is visited more than once. Clues outside the grid to the left indicate the sums of numbers on each horizontal stretch of the loop in that row, in order. Clues outside the grid to the top indicate the sums of numbers on each vertical stretch of the loop in that column, in order.
For all types of clues, a question mark can replace any number from 0 to 9, but no double digit clue may have a leading 0.