This puzzle was created as a birthday gift.

U-Bahn with Quadrants

Solve #right #link=


Draw a totally connected loop network through the centers of some cells, which may branch or turn, but may not have any dead ends. A clue outside the grid indicates how many times the corresponding line shape (i.e. a cross, branch, straight line, or turn) appears in the corresponding row or column, irrespective of the line shape’s rotation.

A number on a vertex in the top-left quadrant indicates how many of the four surrounding edges to that vertex are crossed by the loop network.

Northeast, Star Battle:

In the top-right quadrant, a star must be placed in every row and column. Two stars cannot touch, even diagonally. The loop network may not pass through stars.

Southwest, Masyu:

A loop that does not touch itself must be drawn on the network in the bottom-left quadrant such that it passes through each circle. The loop must go straight through white circles, and turn at least once either directly before or directly after the circled cell. The loop must turn on black circles, and must go straight both directly before and directly after the turn.

Southeast, Skyscraper:

Treat a turn as the number 1, a straight line as the number 2, a branch as the number 3, and a cross as the number 4. A clue outside the bottom-right quadrant indicates how many numbers can be seen from that direction, where greater (or equal) numbers obscure vision. Pieces of the loop network outside the bottom-right quadrant do not contribute to these clues.